Farming Advice Service – September 2019

Farming Advice Service – September 2019

A reminder on the the legal requirements for pesticide users and when an Environmental Impact Assessment is required under cross-compliance rules amongst other useful articles.

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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Farming is changing

Farming is changing…

Information published by DEFRA about changes that will happen to farming when we leave the EU. This includes phasing out direct payments and design of future schemes.

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Farming Advice Service – July 2019

Farming Advice Service – July 2019

Useful advice on the requirement to minimise soil erosion and farming rules for water in this month’s newsletter.

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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Farming Advice Service – April 2019

Farming Advice Service – April 2019

This month’s newsletter focuses on an update to Basic Payment Scheme requirements ahead of the 15th May deadline, Environmental Impact assessments and Water abstraction rules and changes.

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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Farming Advice Service – February 2019

Farming Advice Service – February 2019

Good farming practices are a key focus in this newsletter, an important reminder when over 90% of cross compliance failures are as a result of administrative issues such as cattle ID and registration, stated as 50.2% of all compliance failures (2017 figures).

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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Farming Advice Service – December 2018

Farming Advice Service – December 2018

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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CSS Update December 2018

CSS Update December 2018

If you are considering making a Countryside Stewardship Scheme application next year, Natural England is “open for business” and will be accepting applications for both Mid Tier and Higher Tier Schemes and the attached update hopefully provides a bit more information on the current funding situation.  Applications do take time to think about and prepare though so it is always better to start thinking about a scheme sooner rather than later if this is something you are interested in exploring further.

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Farming Advice Service – October 2018

Farming Advice Service – October 2018

This special edition of the newsletter has a particular focus on resources to help keep you up to date. It also provides the usual forthcoming key dates for cross compliance and greening.

If you do not already receive the FAS newsletter straight to your inbox, but would like to, please email with ‘Register for newsletter’ in the subject line.

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Farming Advice Service

Farming Advice Service – August 2018

The Farming Advice Service (FAS) is a service funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) to help farms understand and meet the requirements of Cross Compliance, Greening (the Basic Payments Scheme) and the European Directives on both water protection and sustainable pesticide use.

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